Offshore Working at Heights / Fall Arresters

The purpose of the Offshore Working at Heights course is to provide the learners the needed knowledge and experience to conduct working at Height in a safe manner in the daily changing offshore environment

The content of the course is designed to give the learners through theoretical and practical training the knowledge of:

• Legislation
• Hazards and risks associated with working at heights, incl. risk assessment
• PPE identification, including identification of EU standards markings e.g. Harness, Helmet, lanyards etc.
• PPE inspection, service, store and don the relevant PFPE, e.g. Harness, lanyards, vertical fall arresters and work positioning equipment.
• Correct identification of anchor points and correct ladder conduct.
• Safe evacuation and use of evacuation devices
• Rescue situations in an offshore environment
*The price is excluding applicable VAT.