Offshore Working at Heights / Fall Arresters

The purpose of the Offshore Working at Heights course is to provide the learners the needed knowledge and experience to conduct working at Height in a safe manner in the daily changing offshore environment

The content of the course is designed to give the learners through theoretical and practical training the knowledge of:

• Legislation
• Hazards and risks associated with working at heights, incl. risk assessment
• PPE identification, including identification of EU standards markings e.g. Harness, Helmet, lanyards etc.
• PPE inspection, service, store and don the relevant PFPE, e.g. Harness, lanyards, vertical fall arresters and work positioning equipment.
• Correct identification of anchor points and correct ladder conduct.
• Safe evacuation and use of evacuation devices
• Rescue situations in an offshore environment
*The price is excluding applicable VAT and including water, tea, coffee and basic refreshments. Full day courses also incl. breakfast and lunch and half day courses also incl. either breakfast or lunch.