Advanced First Aid

As a result of increasing distance from shore to turbine and the greater time for medical professionals to reach a casualty, greater emphasis is being placed on arrangements for emergency medical treatment. The Advanced First Aid course builds on the skills acquired at the basic first aid level, enabling rapid intervention in the event of severe or life threatening trauma or illness equipping wind turbine technicians with skills and knowledge to quickly stabilise a casualty until specialist medical treatment arrives or they can be safely moved to appropriate medical facilities. The course supports delegates in taking a proactive approach to incident management and covers an extensive range of practical skills including advanced airway management techniques, control of catastrophic bleeding, CPR protocols including the use of AED’s and administration of gasses in medical emergencies including oxygen and Entonox. The Advanced First Aid course is supplemented with a specially developed Wind Turbine Emergency Trauma Pack containing all of the lifesaving equipment referred to and used during the course.

Practical application and a full understanding of:

  • Incident and casualty management
  • Immediate emergency lifesaving first aid
  • Advanced airway management using oral and nasal adjuncts
  • Supplementary respiration with bag, mask and valve
  • Administration of medical gasses including oxygen and Entonox
  • Casualty monitoring with the use of pulse oximeters
  • Automated external defibrillation (AED)
  • Control of catastrophic bleeding with emergency dressings, haemostatic agents and tourniquets
  • Splinting principles and devices
  • Spinal management
  • Casualty immobilisation

  • Demonstrate essential knowledge by continual assessment
  • Demonstrate incident management principles in scenario training in the context of the wind energy sector
  • Demonstrate safe and effective use of the equipment contained within the Wind Turbine Emergency Trauma Pack

Successful completion of the course leads to an independently accredited Advanced First Aid certificate.

*The price is excluding applicable VAT.