GWO Working at Heights and Manual Handling Combined Refresher

GWO BSTR Working at Heights and Manual Handling Combined. After completion of the course, the trainee will have achieved skills and basic knowledge about:

  • The hazards and risks associated with working at height, specific to wind turbine generators.
  • Have an understanding of current national legislation regarding working at heights.
  • PPE identification, including identification of European/Global standard markings e.g. harness, helmet, lanyards etc.
  • PPE inspection, service, store and don the relevant PFPE, e.g. harness, lanyards, vertical fall arresters and work positioning equipment.
  • The use of the relevant PFPE, e.g. harness, lanyards, vertical fall arrest system and work positioning equipment.
  • The correct identification of anchor points and correct ladder conduct.
  • Safe evacuation and use of evacuation devices.
  • Rescue situations in wind turbine generators and use rescue equipment efficiently.
  • The importance of carrying out Manual Handling work duties in a safe and sound manner in accordance with the legislative requirements of their geographic location.
  • Identify aspects of their job tasks that could increase a worker’s risk of developing muscular/skeletal injuries.
  • Demonstrate understanding of safe practices of Manual Handling, including the correct handling of equipment.
  • Identify signs and symptoms of injuries related to poor Manual Handling techniques and have knowledge of reporting methods.
  • Demonstrate a problem solving approach to Manual Handling in a wind turbine environment.
  • Demonstrate Manual Handling risk reduction techniques.
*The price is excluding applicable VAT.