K-Pos 8 familiarization – 1 day

To ensure sufficient knowledge of the K-POS DP control loop, practical system operation via K-POS ver. 8 in available control modes and function of system specific settings and their impact on operation


General K-POS DP specific theory, including:

o Function of the DP control loop, and its application in the K-POS system.

o Basic system operation in available control modes, incl. presentation of K-POS SW ver. 8 interface.

o Highlighting main differences between K-Pos ver. 7 and ver. 8.

o Handling of position reference data and sensors in the DP system, with special emphasis on the function and practical use of related K-POS ver. 8 specific settings and functions (such as GPS weighing, acceptance limits, median test settings, etc.).

o Function and working principles of various control settings, including; Thruster Gains, speed/ROT/acceleration settings, joystick settings, Consequence analysis, Thruster Allocation settings and functions and capability analysis.

o Brief introduction to the HW configuration and layout of a K-POS DP21 system including main components properties.

o The practical use of the system and familiarization with functions mentioned above will be demonstrated using K-POS Desk top trainers (1 for each participant) and by use of MSS DP checklists to put the training in an operational context. If available, MSS specific vessel K-POS SW can be installed.

At the end of the course, the participants will:

• Have a clear understanding of how the main parts of the DP control loop work together. Including, the Kalman filter, gain, damping, thruster allocation and feed forward.

• Be able to apply above knowledge when setting up the K-POS ver. 8 DP system to optimize station keeping under various environmental conditions and during various stages of operation.

• Be able to account for the data handling procedures and tests applied by the K-POS system in relation to Reference systems and sensors, and understand how specific settings influence same.

• Have an understanding of the K-POS DP21 system HW architecture and layout.

*The price is excluding applicable VAT.