OPITO Offshore Emergency Response Team Leader Further (OERTL Further)

Learners will have previously demonstrated their knowledge and their skills and will have been assessed as competent Offshore Emergency Response Team Leaders.

Learners will be given the opportunity to demonstrate their knowledge and skills required when dealing with live fire and emergency response situations as an Offshore Emergency Response Team Leader in aspects which they cannot reasonably practice offshore.

The target group for the OERTL Further Training are existing offshore emergency team leaders that are required to revalidate their OPITO OERTL certification by completing training scenarios which they are unable undertake offshore.

  • Leading practical fire and non-fire related incidents (as an OERTL)
  • Implement an appropriate initial response plan
  • Establish and maintain effective communications with all relevant ER personnel
  • Direct ER team’s response and entry to the incident area with due regard to emergency response team safety and operability emergency response equipment
  • Participating in practical fire and non-fire related incidents (as an OERTM)

The aim and objectives of the OERTL Further Training Programme are to allow Offshore Emergency Response Team Leader learners to practice and be assessed on live fire exercises which they would not be able to conduct in the workplace.

*The price is excluding applicable VAT.