Stability for Offshore Vessels Virtual

To give an understanding of the theory of ship stability related to the external forces caused by anchor handling, heavy lifts in the supply vessels.

The course covers the IMO stability requirements generally and for offshore vessels.

The immediate actions from the NMD based on the “Bourbon Dolphin” disaster are included in the course.

The participants are invited to share their experience and knowledge with the various offshore operations for the common benefit of all.

  • Stability theory refresher
  • Definitions and terminology
  • Importance of ships stability
  • Initial stability
  • Free Surface Effect
  • Stability at large inclination angles
  • Dynamic Stability
  • IMO Stability Requirements acc. to Res. 749 (18)
  • Effect of load displacement
  • Lift of heavy items (A-Frame)
  • Lift of heavy items (Crane, knuckle boom and boom)
  • Use of the Loadstar stability calculator with NMD crane module
  • Roll Reduction tanks
  • Damage Stability acc. to Res. MSC. 235(82)
  • Anchor handling forces and stability
  • Use of the Loadstar stability calculator with anchor module

The theory is accompanied by practical exercises on PC’s using the Loadstar program

Upon completion of the course participants have refreshed stability theory and will be able to:

  • Use the correct definitions and terminology
  • Demonstrate the importance of ships stability
  • Identify the initial stability
  • Calculate the free surface effect
  • Calculate the stability at large inclinations
  • Explain the vessel dynamic stability
  • Implement IMO stability requirements acc. to Res. 749(18)
  • Calculate the stability during A-frame operation using the A-frame module in Loadstar
  • Calculate the stability during heavy lift operation using Loadstar crane module
  • Recognize the effect and use of roll reduction tanks
  • Explain the effect of damage stability in accordance to Res. MSC. 235(82)
  • Carry out calculations on anchor handling forces and stability by using the Loadstar AHTS module
*The price is excluding applicable VAT.