TOTAL Module 6

The purpose of the course is to give Total Company logistic personnel - having no or limited knowledge in the Oil & Gas offshore Marine Operations – an insight of marine operations focusing on risk associated topics.

The contents of the course are:

  • Terminology
    • Maritime terminology used onboard ships and rigs
  • Type, purpose and utility of different specialized vessel used in the offshore industry
    • Crewboat
    • FSIV
    • Offshore Tug
    • PSV (Platform Support Vessel)
    • AHTS (Anchor Handling Tug Supply
    • MPSV (Multi-Purpose Supply Vessel)
    • Pipe and cable-laying
    • Seismic vessels
    • CSV (Construction Support Vessel)
    • Accommodation barges
    • DSV (Dive Support Vessel)
    • ROV support vessel
    • Geotechnical / Geophysical Support Vessel
    • Well Servicing Support Vessel
    • ERRV (Emergency response Rescue Vessel)
    • Flat Top Barge
  • Type and design, including details on interfaces involving support vessels
    • Jack Up
    • Semi Sub
    • Drill Ship
  • Dynamic Positioning
    • Definitions and DP classes
    • DP operations
    • Elements of DP system
    • DP Block diagram
    • Sensors and standard position reference systems in a DP system
    • DP FMEA
    • DP Capability
    • Industry DP standards including DP specific training (IMCA and MTS)
  • Semi sub and Jack Up Rigmove
    • The rigmove procedure
    • Arrival and Departure scenarios in the simulator
  • Tanker operations
    • Overview of types of tankers and typical hull design
    • Tanker rules and standards
    • Oiltanker terminal overview at Jetty
    • Berthing and Mooring
      • Tandem and single point mooring
    • FPSO basic design

After the course, the participant will:

  • Have knowledge of offshore terminology used onboard rigs, tankers and offshore vessels and be able to refer to this during conversations
  • Have knowledge of types of vessels mentioned in content section. The participant will be able to describe the basic operations in which the vessel types are typically used
  • Have knowledge of the basic design of drilling rigs. The participants will be able to describe the main elements onboard each type, which are used for drilling and for positioning.
  • Have knowledge of Dynamic Positioning systems, including its elements and purpose, functions, capabilities and industry DP standards. The participant will be able to describe a typical DP system and operations in which this is used. They will be able to describe the DP classes and capabilities of a DP vessel, based on Capability plots and FMEA. The participants will be able to refer to IMCA and MTS standards for DP systems, including training
  • Have knowledge of Rig move operations for semi sub and jack ups. The participant will be able to describe a the key elements to consider for planning and executing the rigmove operation for a semisub and a jack up. The participants will have basic skills in carrying out a rigmove operation and will be able to identify the basic signals to consider and monitor during the rigmove operations.
  • Have knowledge of types of tankers, the design and the typical operations in which they are used. The participant will be able to describe a typical operation and refer to the tanker type commonly used for this
  • Have knowledge of Basic terminal oiltanker overview and design and standard mooring systems for tankers. The participants will further gain knowledge of tandem and single point mooring principles for offshore cargo transfer operations. The participant will be able to recognise the elements required for planning and carrying out a safe approach and mooring operations.
  • Have knowledge of basic design and purpose of FPSO units and be able to describe the purpose and typical mooring systems.
*The price is excluding applicable VAT.